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Effective SAP Security through Engagement
This article is featured in the Inside SAP 2014 Yearbook - due out Sep/Oct 2013.
It was co-authored with Robert Budic, Director of Turnkey Consulting.
You are not authorised to use transaction ME21N. Pause. (Thought bubble appears). Why don’t I have access? I used to be able to create purchase orders. I need to be able to do this. Why is my manager stopping me from doing my job? (Sound of pencil snapping). “Rob, can I borrow your SAP password... (Read more)
The Enterprise Social Networking Boom
This article is featured in Inside SAP magazine’s Autumn 2013 edition
The Death of Email. That’s the provocative title of a recent article which caught my attention, the main premise of which was, of course, that the continued uptake of social communication tools in our personal lives is seeing a fairly rapid end to email, and this will be mirrored in corporations. Now, before getting too... (Read more)
SAP Workforce Performance Builder software is gaining momentum
We flagged SAP Education’s newest solution for end-user enablement, Workforce Performance Builder, as the one to watch back in September, and we are now starting to see more details about just how much impact this tool is going to have. As SAP’s flagship education tool, it’s positioned as the tool to have for integrating eLearning and mLearning with... (Read more)
SAP’s Rapid Deployment Solutions Suite Increases
SAP recently announced the release of its new Incident Management rapid deployment solution, which helps customers avoid dangerous and costly workplace accidents. The new solution from SAP helps customers minimize those risks that could lead to catastrophic events and compromise business continuity, not to mention managing smaller events – similar goals to that of the... (Read more)
Maintaining your SAP Investment
This article is featured in Inside SAP magazine's Summer 2012 edition
“If you think training is a waste of money, calculate the cost of not training” – Anon. You’ve just started with a new employer and have had the safety induction, been introduced to the key people and have been shown your work station. You’re excited, nervous and wondering what to expect next. The company runs... (Read more)
Effective adult learning – How to embed stories
One of the things I remember most vividly about my childhood is spending time with my grandparents, and I can still remember their anecdotes and sayings, some 30 years later. Part of the reason for this is that they always wrapped their nuggets of wisdom in stories, which were fascinating to a youngster; not just... (Read more)
The one to watch – SAP Workforce Performance Builder
Workforce Performance Builder is a new training content creation tool from SAP, and it looks promising in delivering improved content development productivity. A few features grabbed our attention and are listed below: Advanced SAP object recognition capacity optimised for SAP will result in more accurate recording requiring less editing and reformatting. Have you ever felt... (Read more)
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Workforce Performance Builder