
eLearning, mLearning and Social Learning

Modern learning solutions all include eLearning (desktop computer) by default, however, what we offer is truly great eLearning experiences, using the latest development tools available to deliver content which is rich, story-based, engaging and makes effective use of quizzing based on the learner’s level. And, since we aren’t agents for any particular software, we will offer you unbiased advice on the best product for your needs. Adapt2 Consulting are expert with Adobe Captivate, uPerform/Productivity Pak, UPK and Workforce Performance Builder.

We also offer our clients mLearning content (suited to phone and tablet delivery) to enable learning which is perfect for reinforcement and on-the-job reference.

Bring it all together with social learning integration, preferably using LMS 2.0 technology, or as part of a social collaboration platform, such as SAP Jam.

Contact us for a solution which will meet the needs of your enterprise and enable the most efficient return on your investment in technology.